Tesfaye Gebreab Blatantly Continued his Interference in the Internal Affairs of Ethiopia

Tesfaye Gebreab Blatantly Continued his Interference in the Internal Affairs of Ethiopia by Spreading Hatred, Mistrust and Animosity Amongst the Ethiopian people.

Tesfaye Gebreab Blatantly Continued his interference in the internal Affairs of Ethiopia
Tesfaye Gebreab Blatantly Continued his interference in the internal Affairs of Ethiopia

* Some say that Tesfaye Gebreab wants to confess because overtime he has realised that he wrote and disseminated false and venomous propaganda about the Amharas in particular and the Ethiopian people in general,

* Some say he actually wants to revenge the Tigres (TPLF) because they have humiliated and uprooted the Eritreans from Ethiopia. Their bitterness can be justified by a senseless war that has consumed huge amount of human and material resources.

Of course he carefully tries to tell Ethiopians that there were some other hidden things that the Ethiopians didn’t know such as the conspiracy and crimes against the Amharas and other shocking stories. At the same time he presents very obscure or confusing information. This has been explained by an Amharic saying; “tinsh kolo yizeh kasharo tetega” .  This tells us Tesfaye gives a small piece of  fact mixed with a huge amount of damaging information.

*Some say he has retired from his spying activities in Ethiopia because TPLF has abandoned and persecuted him. This implies that he cannot do any other thing than the little Amharic writing skills that he developed when he had been working and attacking the Ethiopian people from inside, financed by the very people of Ethiopia,

*Some say he is still spaying for Eritrea.

Today We have concluded that Tesfaye, the traitor (Banda) is using his best opportunity to destroy Ethiopia  This best opportunity is TPLF which has been facilitating the breakdown of Ethiopia and finally to ignite ethnic conflict and chaos for the benefit of Eritrea and other AntiEthiopian Elements. 

As we have seen his recent anti Ethiopian Propaganda his motives seem to be crystal clear now. Tesfaye who is an Eritrean (but was born, grew-up and educated in the generous Ethiopia) has been a notorious individual on sawing dishonest and fabricating ethnic hatred between the Amharas and Oromos.

His written books, articles and interviews are excellent testimonies to bring him to justice for encouraging conflicts and genocide. Some people believe that he is still disseminating divisive and venomous information broadly amongst the Ethiopian ethnic groups using variety of illegal names.

But genuine democrats and peace loving Ethiopians need to fight not only against him but also against those who encourage and finance him from behind to divert attention and to prolong their oppression in Ethiopia. Some concerned Ethiopians also hinted that it is not important to give attention to him and to his shallow ethnically biased Amharic writings. The agony is that he is riding the issue of the Oromo people as if he is their master self-appointed guardian. What a shame for the  great Oromo people!! 

All anti-peace elements such as Tesfaye Gebreab, OLF and Jawar Mohamed and others are created, encouraged and secretly supported by TPLF.  Tesfaye should know that Ethiopians are watching and soon or later he will be responssible for the committed genocide and suffering in Ethiopia. Here are some suggested remedies to quickly stop Tesfaye Gebreab from using the great Oromo people against Ethiopian.

  1. To collect information regarding his false and venomous propaganda against the Ethiopian people  so as to bring him to justice any time from now by any legal Ethiopian representative group
  2. To write about the oppressed people of Eritrea and to support their struggle against the regime because he is trying to divert attention or hide the subjugation of the different Ethnic groups (Afar, Bilen, Kunama,Nara,Tigre, Saho, Bedewi, Tigrnya and others) in Eritrea at the expense of the Ethiopian people and to write articles and books how the people of Eritrea are suffering under the current merciless Regime .
  3. To work in unison to get rid of TPLF which is the main source of the problem.

Once we start doing the above tasks Tesfaye the criminal will either go back to Sahel to solve his own problem or should be captured by International Criminal Court (ICC) for disseminating hatred and animosity among the different Ethnic group in Ethiopia which has consequently ignited the shocking Genocide and Ethnic cleansing in Harrar, Arsi, Welega and other areas.

Peace and stability for the innocent people of Ethiopia!

Iwooket Alemu