Iwooket Media Condemns the Ongoing Barbaric War Against the Amhara People in Ethiopia and Urges Abiy Ahmed’s Regime to Withdraw its Lawless Troops Without delay!

It is saddening to hear again & again that the suffering of the Ethiopian people in particular the heinous crimes against the Amharas has been intensified and reached at its intolerable stage.

PM Aby Ahmed was brought to the throne and introduced to the Ethiopian People by his companions and became PM with unprejudiced support by the Amharas in particular and the Ethiopian People in general. The vast majority Amharas never considered his Ethnic background and Religion to accept him as their leader. He dishonesty condemned the Genocide and Ethnic cleansing of TPLF, regrated the past and deceitfully promised to make a change. He also lectured about Democracy, Rule of Law, Peace, Harmony, Stability & Unity. He promised to bring all the genocide perpetrators and corrupt criminals to justice. Many gullibles were hopeful, expecting a smooth change and justice with patience, but PM Abiy has revealed his true face and committed the ultimate treason against the Amharas, the Afars, Gambelas, the Southern Ethiopian people, the Somali, and the Ethiopian people at large.

Displacing and Persecuting Amharas in Ethiopia
Displacing and Persecuting Amharas in Ethiopia

It is useful to recall that Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, APPG on TWS in the UK, the peace-loving international community and Ethiopians in Overseas contributed a lot in supporting the Ethiopian people by terminating the lawless and tyrant TPLF who introduced ethnic politics to destroy Ethiopia. However, the deceitful regime of PM Abiy Ahmed replaced TPLF mischievously and betrayed the victims of the Ethiopian people and abused the noble efforts of all Human Rights Defenders Globally.

Torture against the Amhara youth in Ethiopia
Torture Against the Amhara youth in Ethiopia

The irresponssible regime has created different profane and anti-Ethiopian armed terrorist groups which, kill, imprison, torture, Kidnap, displace and demolish legally built properties with impunity. In the so-called Oromia region many thousand Amharas killed and Millions displaced. It is shocking that the victims are children, Farmers, Pregnant Woman and Elderlies. This endless Barbaric crime against the Amharas and the rest of the Ethiopian people compelled the formation of Fano. Fano is an offended Amhara traditional armed volunteer that fights for freedom, justice, and Unity. Its main motto is to defend Ethiopia and Amhara Communities during external and internal terrorist threats.

Genocide and Atrocities of OLF &TPLF Against Amhara Children
Genocide and Atrocities of OLF &TPLF Against Amhara Children

We kindly urge the international community to thoroughly examine and understand the compelling causes of Fano and to support its legitimate rights in defending the Amharas and all other peace-loving Ethnic groups from government sponsored terrorists like OLF &TPLF in Ethiopia. Fano has raised arm because of the unbearable atrocities by OLF/Abiy Ahmed and TPLF separatist organisations for many Decades. Fano is a well-disciplined, God fearing freedom fighter and determined to end the Amhara genocide and injustice in Ethiopia without hesitation.

Demolishing Houses and Displacing Amharas and Other Ethnic Groups from Addis Abeba Areas
Demolishing Houses and Displacing Amharas and Other Ethnic Groups from Addis Abeba Areas

All friendly counties of Ethiopia and Human Rights groups need to support Fano. Supporting fano will help us to end the many decates genocide, sufferings, injustice, desplacement, pescution only Ethiopia but also Africa and the rest of the world. Any force-based confrontation and sabotage against Fano must be avoided as it will be counterproductive and can destabilise the entire African Continent. Terrorists, extrimists and bogus sepatratist grpoups are bad for the the West, the East, the Middle East and the rest of the World.  The international community, Human Rights Groups, responsible Governments, and all Ethnic groups in Ethiopia need to condemn and put pressure against Abiy Ahmed’s incapable regime. The message is clear: Stop killing the Amharas! Leave Ethiopia peacefully for its people and for the interest of the future generations without delay.